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Robert “Coach” Johanson



美國德州大學(奧斯汀) 外語教育/應用語言學博士

University of Texas (Austin) - Foreign Language Education, Ph.D.



University of Texas (Austin) - Foreign Language Education, M.A.



Harvard University - East Asian Studies, M.A.



Northwestern University, German Linguistics & European History (Double Major), B.A.

Dr. J Coach.png

Area of Expertise:


Business English; PBL Instruction; E-learning; English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI); ESL/EFL acquisition, English Etymology & Vocabulary Skills, Flipped Classroom Approach (FCA); Project Based Learning (PBL); Professional English Presentation; Proxemics & Body Language; Sociolinguistics; Second Language Acquisition  


1 / Articles
  • Wang, S., Tseng, W.-T., & Johanson, R. (2021). To we or not to we: Corpus-based research on first-person pronoun use in abstracts and conclusions. Sage Open, 11(2).

  • Peng, H., & Johanson, R. (2006). Career maturity and state anxiety of Taiwanese college student athletes given cognitive career-oriented group counseling. Psychological Reports, 99, 805-812.

  • Johanson, R. (November, 2005). It’s more about membership than grammar correction and error analysis: Stimulating the publication of Taiwanese graduate students’ research findings in internationally-refereed English-language journals via the creation of a "Three-in-One" academic writing center. The 2005 Conference in ELT at Technical Colleges and Universities Conference Proceedings (National Taiwan University of Science & Technology; Taipei, Taiwan), 90-104.

  • Johanson, R. (February, 2005). Introducing BLOGGING into the ESL-EFL classroom. []

  • Johanson, R. (January, 2005). Using movie and television scripts to learn and teach ESL/EFL. []

  • Johanson, R., & Schallert, D. (2003). Writing under the influence: A collective case study of five Taiwanese students’ writing experiences at a U.S. school of education. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Studies in English Language and Literature, 12, 59-73.

  • Johanson, R. (2003). Extrapolating practice from theory: A user-friendly guide to conducting grounded theory in the social sciences. The National Dong Hwa University Journal of Humanistic Studies, 5, 1-37.

  • Johanson, R. (2003). The Taiwan experience … through Malaysian eyes. Educational Quarterly, 29, 28-29.

2 / Conference Papers
  • Johanson, R. E. (2024). Utopia, dystopia or business as usual?: A collective-case study of the pedagogical strategies employed by Anglophone Taiwanese university EMI instructors following the emergence of Generative-AI (Chinese title: “烏托邦、反烏托邦或一切照舊?生成式人工智慧崛起後台灣外籍大學教師採用教學策略之研究”), 2024 Hwa Gang International Conference on English Language & Literature (Chinese Cultural University; Taipei, Taiwan; 05/04/24; p. 29).

  • Johanson, R. (2021). Grounded theoretical investigation of an online course for quarantined students, National Taiwan University of Science & Technology ALLT Conference (Taipei, Taiwan; 09/06/21).

  • Johanson, R. (2020). Why is EMI Important? National Taiwan University of Science & Technology English as a Medium of Instruction Forum; (Taipei, Taiwan; 09/01/2020).

  • Tang, J. H., Johanson, R., & Hu, T. J. (2005). Spamming or hamming?: An empirical investigation of the moral intensity of e-mail spamming behaviour. In M. Hamza (Ed.), Proceedings of the Ninth IASTED International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications (IMSA 2005) (pp. 259-263). Honolulu, USA: IASTED/ACTA Press

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